
Carla Sutterfield and her band, Carbonlily creates and performs music that feels brand new. Moreover, you’ll likely feel better for having heard their magical words and mind-soothing music.

Carla’s voice is pure and riveting.

Listen as she visits with Sonny and shares how to turn a vision into a musical group.

You’ll also hear her story of how music carried her through her rocky youth, transitioning from foster care into the Army. Looking back, her reflection of the experience may surprise you.

Carla’s enthusiasm and love of creating and delivering her unique sound to appreciative audiences comes shining through.

You’ll also be treated the “world premiere” of Carbonlily’s new original song, Sideways.

It’s a song of the times.

All this and more waits you in this very special visit with Carla Sutterfield – Carbonlily!

Listen Now!

Carbonlily Links

Official Site:


Instagram: https://instagram/CarbonlilySA
