Redbone's Pat Vegas: Come and Get Your Love

In this episode, Sonny reconnects with Pat Vegas, who, along with his brother Lolly began a musical journey that took them around the globe as the internationally acclaimed band, Redbone.
Pat describes the night the band was discovered while playing at Gazzarri’s on the Sunset Strip.
You’ll hear how a Pat and Sonny met, as a result of a unique national radio contest that centered around Redbone’s unusual hit, Only You and Rock and Roll.
Pat shares the story of the song that has become Redbone’s anthem, Come and Get Your Love.
All this and so much more as Sonny pays tribute to an American music icon, Pat Vegas and Redbone.
Redbone Links:
Official Site:

In 1977, Epic Records launched a nationwide contest, open to American radio personalities, as a way of promoting Redbone’s unique hit, Only You and Rock and Roll written by Pat Vegas. Since the lyrics were cleverly weaved from 50’s and 60’s song titles, the first to name all the songs would be presented with a special turquoise squash blossom necklace. My radio home was KMPC Radio in Los Angeles, at the time and I’m proud to say that I was the first to successfully name all the tunes and winning the contest! Pat, Lolly and other band members presented me with the prize.
Special thanks to amazing Redbone fan Barbara Kauss, who spent hours producing this special video of the song, complete with album covers of all the groups represented and to
Redbone is a rock band that was formed in Los Angeles in 1969 by two Native American brothers, Pat and Lolly Vegas. Two other Native Americans joined them, Tony Bellamy on rhythm guitar and Pete DePoe on drums. They produced several hit songs including Maggy, The Witch Queen Of New Orleans and Come And Get Your Love, the latter making a comeback as a featured track in the 2014 movie, Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Come and Get Your Love was featured in this touching ad for a European phone company. WATCH